Monday, November 23, 2015

Detective Jacob Grant Fundraiser

Over the last few days, it's come to light, that we have another police officer in need. Detective Jacob Grant, protected our community. And was injured. His family is now struggling. The Grant Family, could use the support of their community.

My Mom and I decided, to raise money for this family. Not just because the holidays are coming. And this family, has 2 small children. But because this officer, was injured. While on duty. And he is, part of our community. It's time, to take care, of him and his family. So they can focus on Detective Grant's recovery.

Just like we did for Officer Webster's Family, we will be fundraising for the Grant Family. I have been completely surprised, by the love our community has, for our first responders. I don't think, I've ever made so many blue beanies, in my life! If there is anything you liked from this post, let me know. And if there is anything you are looking for, let me know.

If you are local, don't forget to support this family. Buy a gift, for the young Grant kids. Go to a fundraiser. Donate a few dollars. I'm sure the family, will appreciate all the community support, love, and help! ❤❤❤

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Officer Webster Fundraiser

On Tuesday, I shared with you, that we are raising money. For Officer Daniel Webster's family. I really believe, that this is a good cause. Something my Dad, would have gotten behind. Something that my Mom and I, are passionate about.

I made a few things, over the last couple of days. And I'm still working on some new items. Since I posted our plans on Facebook, I've received so many orders! Keep them coming. If there is anything you'd like to see, let me know. I want to raise as much money, for this family, as possible!

First of all, I've made more of these hearts. They have pins on the back of them. And they are $1, a piece.

I also made some headbands. The ones with the black flowers, are limited. So if you are interested, let me know, right away! The headbands are $3 each. Also, if you have any black or blue flowers to donate, let me know. I've got plenty of headbands. I just need the flowers.

This is a size 6-12 months beanie. We're asking $10, for it. While trying to take pictures of my beanies, I sold them all! At the park. I only have this one, and the next. But if you are interested in something else, let me know. I had made some beanies for boys. And some hats, with the earflaps too.

This is the only other beanie I have. Again, a 6-12 month size. With a large flower. We're selling this one, for $12.

And I have these coffee cup cozies. I'm asking $3 a piece. I've seen people use these, on their water bottles. And coffee cups, that you get at places like McDonald's, Starbucks, and the gas station.

There you go! As always, you can contact me on here, via e-mail (, or on Facebook. My goal is, to make our donation on Monday. But if I continue to get orders, I may push back the date, until the following week. Again, 100% of the profits made, will be donated to the Webster Family. Please support them! ❤❤❤


Caregivers are a special breed of humanity. They do so much. Behind the scenes. When no one else is around. When no one else would think of it. They're doing it.

November is National Caregivers Month. And I honestly think, without these selfless people, many sick individuals...well, they just wouldn't make it. Have you ever known a caregiver? Taken the time, to watch them? Or noticed the look in their eyes?

I have. I've watched many caregivers. In my line of work, it was one of the things, that always fascinated me. To watch this person, give everything, to the person they were caring for. Making sure, the person they were caring for ate, slept, was cleaned up, happy, and comfortable. It didn't matter, that they hadn't slept well, the night before. Or if they really could remember the last thing, they shoved down their throat. Who knows, when they last sat down, and ate a real meal. It's a miracle, if they find the time to shower. Rarely, are they comfortable. Everything, is about the person, they are taking care of.

Many people don't notice. Not during the time, that they are a caregiver. They don't see, how difficult it is, to just get through their day. They just know, that they have to get through it. And they do it. With love, care, and respect.

I was lucky, to watch a few caregivers, before my Dad got real sick. I watched them. Studied what they did. And made mental notes. On the really tough days, I would think about those little things. And I prayed a lot. A LOT! Folks, it's how I got through most of my days. I prayed.

Thinking back, I'm not 100% sure, how I did it all. Or how I thought, I could do it forever. Or even, how I survived the tough days. But when you are "in it," you just know, you have to do it. You have to be there. Present in every single second. No matter what your needs are, the other person's are greater.

It was a tough time. I never realized it, at the time. Only now. When I step back, and look at every single thing, I had to go through. But one thing is for certain, if the need arose again, I'd be there. 100%! And if my Dad had needed care, for 10 years. I would have done it. I would do it, for longer. Because that's the kind of love, I have for him.

Caregivers don't always feel the love. They don't understand, everything that is happening. Or why it is happening. They just know, there is someone that needs help. And they want to be that person. Who gives the help.

I think back, to friends that have had to care for their sick kids. Or sick spouse. I think about aunts who have cared for their spouse, parent, or loved one. I watched cousins, care for their parent or grandparent. I've seen perfect strangers, care for their sick child. Or sick parent. The same qualities come, across the board. Patients, caring, kindness, selflessness, and compassion.

It's a tough road. A tough life. And often, a duty that goes unnoticed. Caregivers, can often times, get "lost" in their new role. Forget about themselves. About their own health, well-being, and needs. Some can become depressed. And others, just forget, there is life outside the other person's needs.

Remember, to Thank a caregiver. If you have one in your life, surprise them. With a visit. Maybe suggest, that you take their role, for an hour. And let them take a nap, go for a walk, or just have some alone time. If that isn't possible, show up with a small gift. Or maybe a meal. Offer to help with laundry, cleaning, or some other chore.

I think about this a lot. I know, I will NEVER look at another caregiver, in the same way. I'll ALWAYS, want to extend a hand. Let the other person know, I'm here. It can, at times, feel like a lonely club. But it is one, that I'm most proud to be in. To know, I've given so much of myself, to help another person. Just remember that, the next time, you see a caregiver. They're probably giving everything they have, to that person, they are taking care of. EVERY. SINGLE. THING! ❤❤❤

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Officer Daniel Webster

Today, we are Albuquerque Strong! We lost a police officer, just days ago. He fought for his life, and ultimately, was called home. Rest in Peace, Officer Webster.

I never knew Officer Webster. But there was something about his story, that called to my Mom and I. And we decided to use, some of our scholarship money, to help his family. To show our support, for what they do for us. Officer Webster's wife, is also a Bernalillo County Deputy.

Last week, I made a bunch of these blue hearts. I attached pins to the back. And sold them for $1. At the Growers' Market. Almost immediately, we sold out. $25 made, in less than 10 minutes. Goes to show, the support our community has, for our fallen hero. I've made more. And will be adding some pictures, on here and Facebook, of other items I'm making.

All the sales, will be donated back to the Webster Family. My Mom and I, have talked about this. And decided, this is what my Dad would have done. Had he still been alive, my Dad would have already made a donation. Of a few hundred dollars. Because, that's what he did. He gave back to his community. He support them. And rallied behind them.

You see, my Dad was a little bit of a softy. When it came to local law enforcement. Actually, anyone that asked him for help. If my Dad ever got a call from the Albuquerque Police Department, Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department, or the Albuquerque Fire Department, he couldn't say no. Whether it was for active duty, or the retirees, my Dad donated.

It made me cry, just recently. I went to look at some papers, and came across a folder. Where my Dad kept all these bumper stickers, from all these agencies. They were all supporting our local first responders. Saying Thank You, for your donations. And all these letters. For years and years. It made me realize, just how much my Dad, loved his community.

When we first heard of Officer Webster's story, it touched my Mom and I. Because my Dad was so passionate, about helping out. Supporting his first responders. Because over the past few years, we've gotten to know so many of these people. Personally. Along with the ambulance drivers.

My Mom and I, have gone out to as many fundraisers, as possible. Stood in line, for hours, for a pizza. My Mom donated blood. We've tried to rally behind this family. Because Officer Webster, was a good man. Trying to make, our community, a better place.

Over the next few days, I'll be adding more items for sale. Sticking with the "Blue Theme." As our city is being painted blue, for our local Superman. And on Monday, I'll be making a donation, of all the money raised. If you would like to purchase anything, let me know. Here on the blog, via e-mail (, or on Facebook.

If you are local, remember to wear blue today. Change your porch light, to a blue one. Or add a blue ribbon to your home. Today, our community says goodbye, to a good man. Thank You Officer Webster! You have done your community proud! ❤❤❤

Thank You!!!

Weeks ago, when I loaded up our crafts, for our First Growers' Market...I never realized, how much support we'd get. Saturday, was our last day, of the season. And as I look back on these few weeks, I realize that you guys, made it a success!

I can't even begin to tell you, how many people, came out to support us. Even on the cold days. Like Saturday. I'd see smiling faces. I'd take orders. I'd sell items. There were new people to meet. Old faces, to reminisce with. It was a joy!

So many of the nurses, that we'd gotten to know. They supported us, each and every week. They'd bring me a warm drink. Or a snack. They'd come to share stories with me. About my Dad. And they'd purchase items from us.

And all those early mornings, in the cold, were well worth it! We did so much fundraising. Spread our message. And touched many hearts. I feel blessed. To know, that people are supportive. As passionate, as I am. About our cause. And remember my Daddy. With love, in their hearts.

This entire journey, is for him. My Daddy. My Hero. And now, my Angel. We started this foundation, together. And I will carry it, for him. I will continue his work. Will try to reach his goals. And work hard, to make his dreams, come true.

I thought of my Daddy, every single morning. As I unloaded boxes, tables, and that tent. Well before, the sun had rose. It wasn't all bad. I had so much fun too. First and foremost, getting our message out. Raising money. And meeting new people.

The other vendors, were amazing! From the very first day! They welcomed me, and our cause, with open arms. They made a difference in my life. Helped to sell our goods. Spread the word. Helped me, to find, other places to sell. And were just kind. Thank You, to any of you, who are reading this. It doesn't seem like enough. But Thank You!

You see, these people became my friends. I looked forward to seeing them, every week. And talking to them. We shared food. Lots of food! Funny stories. And they ALWAYS sent me home, with fresh produce. More than anything, I enjoyed their company.

It's during these difficult times, that God sends us, the people we need. He makes sure, that we have, support. And love. I'm grateful, for all of it. And for the ability, to raise money. For our cause. To continue to work toward, our goals. And I look forward, to next season. All the amazing people. And the many people, we can reach, with our message! ❤❤❤

Monday, September 28, 2015

Selling at the Growers' Market

I just wanted to let everyone know, I'll be selling at the Presbyterian Growers' Market tomorrow. From 7AM-12PM. Off of Central, in the northeast parking lot.

I'll have all of our crafts, for sale. And the money made, will go to our scholarship fund. Hope to see you there! ❤❤❤

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Holy Family Craft Sale

I just wanted to let everyone know, we will be selling at the Holy Family Craft Sale tomorrow. From 8AM-3PM.

Holy Family is located at 562 Atrisco Dr. SW. The profits we make, will go back to our scholarship fund. Hope to see you there! ❤❤❤

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Ernest T. "Blue" Sena Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Our last BIG Announcement, is the one I'm most proud of. The one, that I've worked hardest, over the last few months, to be able to offer. The Ernest T. "Blue" Sena Jr. Scholarship Fund. For $500. To be awarded, to a 2015-2016 APS graduating Senior.

I've talked about it, here and here. How my Dad's passion, was with the youth of his community. How he, wanted them to succeed. In so many ways, he did his best, to see that happen. Donating buses, money, and these students.

Here's a little background. My Dad, only had an eighth grade education. He left school, to help support his family. Blue was the eldest son, in his family, of thirteen kids. Later in his life, he'd regret not going further in school. But he'd never let that, hold him back.

Blue was passionate about education. I knew that first hand. As his daughter, my first and only priority growing up, was my education. All the other activities, that I was involved in, came second to my education.

My Dad told me many times, he wished he would have finished school. At least 12th grade. But his education, took him far in life. He was a successful business owner, for 45 years. What he didn't know, he'd seek out. He'd ask people. And would learn along the way. In his words, "I learned in the school of hard knocks. I don't want that for you. Or for all these other kids."

Years ago, during my freshman year in college, my Dad and I talked about his legacy. What he wanted to be remembered for. What he wanted to leave behind. 14 years ago, I promised my Dad, that I'd do this for him. I'd put together a scholarship fund, in his name. To benefit his community. And honor his lifetime of service.

Maybe that's the reason, I'm most passionate, about this scholarship. I see how far, my Dad, went in his life. On his eighth grade education. And I can only imagine, how far he could have gone, on a college education.

In my heart, I know his success, was based off of will. Pure will, to do better, in his life. But education, would have also allowed more. And he always knew that fact. It's probably the reason, he pushed me, so far in life.

During my time in school, I had many opportunities to attend private schools. And later, private colleges. But my Dad's community, was central to his life. And he believed, in public education. And I'm so glad he did. I'm a proud graduate of New Mexico schools. I'm very proud to say, that I received my first two degrees, from a New Mexico University.

Education is a gift. Truly, I believe this. My Dad, single handed, gave me this gift. He valued education. And taught me, how to value it as well. I'll ALWAYS be grateful, to my Dad, for this. For valuing what I learned, every single day, in school. For making books, such a beautiful gift. For realizing, education was my gateway, to a better life.

It's the one thing in life, that people can't ever take away from me. What I've learned. My academic achievements. Those experiences. I'm so grateful, and thankful, to my Dad...for the education I've received. It will ALWAYS be with me. And I'm so proud, to make my Dad's vision, come to life!

Our scholarship is open to all APS graduating seniors. With a 3.0GPA, 20 hours of community service, and who will be attending a New Mexico University in Fall 2016. I've sent applications out, to the APS High Schools. But if you are in need of one, please feel free to contact me here, via e-mail (, or on Facebook. Our deadline is, May 1, 2016.

I'm so honored and proud, about the Ernest T. "Blue" Sena Jr. Memorial Scholarship. And I look forward to reading all the applications. And hopefully, making a positive influence, on someone's life.

Please pass this information along. We'd LOVE to reach as many students as possible. After all, it was Blue's vision, to see all kids have the opportunity, of a college education. No matter their background, their financial situation, or the fact that they attended an APS school. He wanted all the children in Albuquerque, to have the same opportunities. ❤❤❤

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Love For Blue Community Scholarship Fund

Our second scholarship, is a community based scholarship. Like I said yesterday, my Dad was so passionate about kids. His community, meant the world to him. He wanted the people, from Albuquerque, to excel.

The Love for Blue Community Scholarship, is a $250 scholarship. This scholarship is for any person, team, or organization, in the Albuquerque area. We are looking for teams and organizations, that work with children. And for people, doing community work, in the Albuquerque area.

We have been very blessed, to have raised more money, that we first expected. And would like to continue, my Dad's work. In our community. My Dad was so very passionate, about his hometown. About being a resident of, the South Valley. And having the ability, to help others. It's where my heart also lays. In this place, reaching out, to the members of our community...that need a "hand up."

For years and years, my Dad donated money to the APD, AFD, and BCSD. Any group or organization, that needed help, knew to come ask my Dad. He would donate to schools, sports teams, individuals, symphonies, students, organizations in our community, and so many more. I truly don't think, my Dad knew how to say "No."

My Dad's passion, came from being a lifelong resident, of Albuquerque's South Valley. He wanted to see his community, become stronger. To see the children, go further in life. He wanted to make his hometown, a better place. And he would do anything, to see that happen.

My Dad, was truly a role model, for "Pay it Forward." He knew, how lucky he was. And blessed. Blue, only had an eighth grade education. But he had a work ethic, like no one I've ever met. He'd work from 3AM-10PM. Every single day!

And Blue never wanted to see kids, do without. Have to leave school. Or suffer. He wanted the kids in his community, to have the chances in life, that he hadn't had. He didn't just provide for his own family. He worked for his community. To do these things, for the people he was passionate about.

Like I said, this scholarship is open, to the greater Albuquerque area. For organizations, teams, or individuals, who work with our youth. And to groups, that do community work.

If you are interested, please e-mail me at, leave me a message here, or contact me on Facebook. So I can get you an application. The deadline is May 1, 2016. And the winner, will be picked by my Mom and I. And again, we only ask that the winner, make some cards...that we can deliver to the Presbyterian Cancer Center. ❤❤❤

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Love For Blue Field Trip Scholarship Fund

As many of you know, my Dad owned and operated, Sena's School Bus Company, for 45 years. It was his baby. His pride and joy. My Dad worked with Albuquerque Public Schools, for 62 years. He never retired. And dedicated his life, to Student Transportation Services.

Blue Sena, was passionate about kids. All kids! It didn't matter their background, disability, or economic standings. He thought kids, were the brightest part, of our future. My Dad gave back to his community, in so many ways. In ways, that I don't know how, to begin to tell you.

But I can tell you this, he believed all kids, should have opportunities. The opportunities, that he didn't get. He wanted every child, in Albuquerque, to have a "fighting chance at life." So he gave back. Any group, organization, or sports team that asked, got a donation. My Dad would do without, to give back, to the community he loved so much!

With pride, my Dad donated to all schools. He didn't discriminate. But he did try, to focus his efforts, on the areas of town...that needed it most. The places where families struggled. Parents worked long and hard hours. He wanted those kids, to have the same opportunities, as the kids, in the upper class neighborhoods.

Many times, in these areas, my Dad would donate buses. For fields trips and activities. Many times, donating 3 or 4 buses. Paying his drivers and the gas, out of his own pocket. If we were ever driving, and saw a group of kids walking to a field trip, my Dad would call one of his drivers. Have them pick up the kids. And get them, to where they were headed. He couldn't see kids walking in the rain...or 90 degree weather. He'd do it all, free of charge.

For all these reasons, we felt like, a scholarship was in order. We are going to offer a $250 scholarship, for the 2015-2016 school year. Open to all APS schools. But we are going to concentrate, on the schools in town, that are in struggling neighborhoods.

My Mom and I, are passionate about continuing my Dad's work. And following his lead. To give back, to our community. We are starting here. But know in our hearts, this is just the beginning. We will continue to fundraise, so that we can offer more scholarships like this, in the future. Our next goal is, to be able to offer 4 of these scholarships, every school year.

If you are a teacher, sponsor, student, coach, or administrator...and are interested, please send me an e-mail at And I'll send you, an application. Other than being an APS school, we only have two requests. First that the sponsor or teacher, write a one page explanation of their field trip. Including how their school struggles financially, where they are going, and how the trip will benefit their group. We are also asking that your class, group, or team...if picked, make some cards for the cancer patients at Presbyterian Hospital. That's it.

The deadline is, May 1, 2016. The field trip, can happen, any time between now, and the end of this school year. My Mom and I, will read through the applications, and narrow down the field. If we find that it is too difficult to pick a winner, we will come back to the blog, and share some of the stories. Maybe have a vote.

We have made flyers. And have sent them out, to APS schools. But feel free, to contact me. Either here, via e-mail (, or on Facebook. Also, you are more than welcome, to share this. On social media, through your school, anyway you see fit. We can't wait, to start looking through the applications! ❤❤❤

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

6 Months

It's been six months, since we went public, with our Love for Blue Fundraiser. So much has happened in the last six months. When we began, we had hopes of giving back to the hospital, where my Dad was receiving treatment. Possibly raising money, to donate to research. Maybe helping a family or two, on this journey.

In the last six months, we've changed direction slightly. Still, our ultimate goal is to donate to the Presbyterian Cancer Center, the Cancer Services of New Mexico, and of course...for research in colon cancer. We'd like to add some items of comfort, to the hospital and cancer center. Eventually, we'd like to sponsor a family, for the biannual retreat, that the CSNM hosts. By covering 100% of the cost. And we'd like to know, that some of the money we raise, will go to finding a cure, for this horrible disease. But over the next few days, I will share with you, what my Mom and I plan.

And of course, I will need your help. In many ways. Promoting our next endeavor. Helping us to raise money. And continuing, to do the work, that my Dad was unable to complete. Stay tuned, and check back all week. We have some exciting news! ❤❤❤

Friday, August 21, 2015

Blue Round Ripple Blanket

I want to start showing a few of the items, that we have for sale. Of course, they are all blue. But we also welcome, any other orders. Our profits, go back to our foundation. To donate to the Presbyterian Cancer Center, the Cancer Services of  New Mexico, and for colon cancer research.

This is a round ripple blanket. The size is between a large baby blanket, and lap blanket. Definitely large enough, to snuggle up on the couch with. We're asking $45. You can read more about it, and find other items of ours, in our Etsy Shop.

If you are local, and are interested in purchasing something, feel free to contact me. You can leave me a message on the blog, send me an e-mail (, or contact me on Facebook. And I can work with you. I have to increase our prices, slightly, to cover the costs of Etsy. And shipping. Happy Friday! ❤❤❤

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Please Wear Blue

As difficult, as the last few days have been, we are trying to find the bright spots. And we are asking everyone, that is attending my Dad's services, to wear blue. We don't want to look at his passing, with such heavy hearts. It is a difficult time. The most difficult, that I've ever experienced.

But weeks ago, my Dad asked me, to make sure his services...were a "Celebration of His Life." And that is what I'm asking you. To think of the good times, your good memories, and my Dad's accomplishments. Think of all the joy, that my Dad brought you. There will always be time to mourn. Let these few days, be a "Celebration of Life."

I say this, because funerals are always difficult. There are many tears to be shed. It's heartbreaking, to say goodbye, to your loved one. But for my Dad, we want it to be different. We want people to remember the good times. It's what he wanted. It's what he asked for. And it's what, I'm going to try and give him.

It doesn't matter the color of blue. We just want, to paint the church blue. Because he was Blue. Because he battled colon cancer, with everything he had. And because, we love him. I hope that you, will join us. And that you will spread the word.

During these difficult days, it's the one thing, that can make a person smile. I'm not looking forward to my Daddy's services. But I know, I will feel the comfort, looking out at a "Sea of Blue." And I know, my Daddy, will be smiling down from Heaven. ❤❤❤

Monday, March 23, 2015


I just don't know, how to put into words, that my Daddy has gone to be with the Lord. We both knew the time was coming. He was the bravest man, I'll ever know. The kindest, most gentle will ever know.

And now, starts the hard part. Life without him. I know he will always be in my heart. But my heart is so heavy right now. With pain. With hurt. With being shattered...into a million pieces. He was my world! And there is absolutely nothing, I wouldn't do for him.

For those of you, that would like to read more of his story, you can find it here. I'm not exactly sure, how to put into words, the great loss I feel. It feels like, I'm floating. That life isn't quite right.

But I do find comfort in, knowing his is with our Lord. That he is now safe. And resting. That he will never hurt again.

Please pray for my family, our friends, and of course my Daddy. The last few days, have been such a blur for me. And I pray, that I will find some peace, along the way. ❤❤❤

Friday, March 6, 2015

Dress in Blue Day

Today, is Dress in Blue Day. The day, when we ask you, to sport your favorite blue outfit. Why? To support those people, battling Colon Cancer. Showing them, and their loved ones, that you support them. And their cause. That they, matter.

I'll be the first one, to tell you, before my Dad was diagnosed...I didn't know about this. But now that I do, I'm wearing my blue. And asking you to, as well. It's very important. To all those people, touched by Colon Cancer. The patients, family, friends, caregivers, and medical team.

Because the harsh reality is, colon cancer, is on the rise. It's not rallied behind, like breast cancer. you don't see HUGE fundraising efforts made. Corporate companies aren't making Colon Cancer items. And selling them in your local Wal-Mart, Target, and Walgreen's. But the numbers are growing. And we need to be supportive, of the people battling this disease. ❤❤❤

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Surprise Birthday Party!

It has been snowing so much here! It started after my Dad's birthday. And on Friday night, really came down! Around midnight, I followed a snowplow home. And my Mom stayed the night, with my Dad.

Why? I guess I could have stayed in the hospital too. But I had been cooking up a Surprise Birthday Party for my Daddy. And I needed to get some things done. To my surprise, on Saturday morning, I spent hours digging out our car. And begging the lady, at the cake shop, to meet me.

The roads were still pretty bad, when I finally left home. Around 11AM. But I managed to get out. I picked up the cake. Which by the way, weighed a ton! I ALMOST lost it, in the parking lot. But managed to get it in the car. Made one last stop at the Dollar Tree. And to the hospital I went.

I spent the rest of the day, hanging out in my Dad's room. Which I had decorated on his birthday. It was still decorated, and he was so excited, every single time, a new visitor would come. Or a new staff member. He just LOVES when people see his decorations!

I left late again. Actually, I considered staying the night. But knew I had a few things to get done in the morning. And on Sunday morning, I headed out. I called, and ordered pizzas. Ran to Wal-Mart for the rest of the food, and supplies. Went home. Cooked like a crazy lady. And then, locked the keys in the car...

It took my neighbor and I, a while to get them. Which made me late. But through a few text messages, family and friends knew I was coming. The nurses, agreed, to let my Dad out of his room. And things were back on track!

We quickly got things moved, from the parking garage, to the third floor Waiting Room. Everyone pitched in, to decorate. And the Birthday Boy, made his entrance! My Dad was so excited!!!

That's the two off us there. Waiting to blow out his birthday candles. He was so surprised. Because initially, we had planned a party, at our favorite restaurant. But my Dad was in the hospital. And at the last minute, I had a good surprise.

Here are most of the guests. We completely took over the Waiting Room. For hours! My Dad was able to hang out with us, for nearly an hour and a half. When he had to return to his room, everyone took a chance, to go visit him.

It really was a blessed day! One that we hadn't expected. Who ever thinks about spending their birthday in the hospital? But we made it, the best we could. Shared lots of laughs. Have lots of memories. And even shared with our hospital staff! Happy 82nd Birthday Daddy! Wishing you many more, wonderful and blessed birthdays! ❤❤❤

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Love For Blue

Hey guys! If you are here, you are probably friends or family...of my Dad's. Blue. Today is his 82nd Birthday! And we feel so blessed, to share another year with him!

So far, 2015...has been tough. We've definitely spent more time, in the hospital, than at home. But what can you say? We're fighting for the man we love. And nothing will stop us!

But why are you here? A while back, my Dad starting talking. About his good friend, Patrick. And the work that he and his family started. It really has gotten my Dad thinking, after spending a month, during the holidays, in the hospital. And all that we have been blessed with. He wants to start a foundation.

Our idea is, to model it around, "paying it forward." We want to give back to our community. And show the love, that we've been shown. We know that we are very fortunate, to be by my Dad's side. All the time. That he doesn't have to be alone. And as a family, we can fight this together.

But along our journey, we've met many families, that are not as fortunate. Families that struggle, just to visit their loved ones. Families that sleep on the floor, in the hospital waiting rooms. Just so they can visit on the weekend. We've met so many people, traveling a similar journey.

Our hospital staff, has been AMAZING! Thank You Presbyterian! From the oncology unit, to the staff at the chemo office, the staff at the radiation center, the staff at Rehab, and our Homecare Team. They are the best!

But like I said, we know, we are very fortunate. Not many people, have the same resources. We are blessed. And even some of the people that we see at radiation, chemo, or the hospital...they are traveling a much more difficult path.

So with all of that being said, our first goals pay it forward. To help those people, that need assistance. The families traveling hundreds of miles, to get care. Or to visit. The people we see struggling, who need assistance, of some sort.

With all of that being said, we are kicking off our fundraising, with a 5K Fun Run/Walk on April 25, 2015. My Dad was first diagnosed with Colon Cancer on April 28, 2014. My Dad wants the fundraiser, to be a celebration. To say, "Hey, I've got colon cancer. But I'm fighting it. I want to live! And I want to give back. I want to make it easier, for the next family."

So we hope to see you then! Bright and early, at 7AM. Ready to run or walk around Valle del Bosque Park. We will be charging a $25 fee. And you will receive a "Love for Blue" t-shirt. You can sign up, on the morning of the 5K Run. And you can also purchase t-shirts, or make donations here. Thanks everyone! Let's make our 1st Annual Love for Blue Event a special one! ❤❤❤