Thursday, November 5, 2015


Caregivers are a special breed of humanity. They do so much. Behind the scenes. When no one else is around. When no one else would think of it. They're doing it.

November is National Caregivers Month. And I honestly think, without these selfless people, many sick individuals...well, they just wouldn't make it. Have you ever known a caregiver? Taken the time, to watch them? Or noticed the look in their eyes?

I have. I've watched many caregivers. In my line of work, it was one of the things, that always fascinated me. To watch this person, give everything, to the person they were caring for. Making sure, the person they were caring for ate, slept, was cleaned up, happy, and comfortable. It didn't matter, that they hadn't slept well, the night before. Or if they really could remember the last thing, they shoved down their throat. Who knows, when they last sat down, and ate a real meal. It's a miracle, if they find the time to shower. Rarely, are they comfortable. Everything, is about the person, they are taking care of.

Many people don't notice. Not during the time, that they are a caregiver. They don't see, how difficult it is, to just get through their day. They just know, that they have to get through it. And they do it. With love, care, and respect.

I was lucky, to watch a few caregivers, before my Dad got real sick. I watched them. Studied what they did. And made mental notes. On the really tough days, I would think about those little things. And I prayed a lot. A LOT! Folks, it's how I got through most of my days. I prayed.

Thinking back, I'm not 100% sure, how I did it all. Or how I thought, I could do it forever. Or even, how I survived the tough days. But when you are "in it," you just know, you have to do it. You have to be there. Present in every single second. No matter what your needs are, the other person's are greater.

It was a tough time. I never realized it, at the time. Only now. When I step back, and look at every single thing, I had to go through. But one thing is for certain, if the need arose again, I'd be there. 100%! And if my Dad had needed care, for 10 years. I would have done it. I would do it, for longer. Because that's the kind of love, I have for him.

Caregivers don't always feel the love. They don't understand, everything that is happening. Or why it is happening. They just know, there is someone that needs help. And they want to be that person. Who gives the help.

I think back, to friends that have had to care for their sick kids. Or sick spouse. I think about aunts who have cared for their spouse, parent, or loved one. I watched cousins, care for their parent or grandparent. I've seen perfect strangers, care for their sick child. Or sick parent. The same qualities come, across the board. Patients, caring, kindness, selflessness, and compassion.

It's a tough road. A tough life. And often, a duty that goes unnoticed. Caregivers, can often times, get "lost" in their new role. Forget about themselves. About their own health, well-being, and needs. Some can become depressed. And others, just forget, there is life outside the other person's needs.

Remember, to Thank a caregiver. If you have one in your life, surprise them. With a visit. Maybe suggest, that you take their role, for an hour. And let them take a nap, go for a walk, or just have some alone time. If that isn't possible, show up with a small gift. Or maybe a meal. Offer to help with laundry, cleaning, or some other chore.

I think about this a lot. I know, I will NEVER look at another caregiver, in the same way. I'll ALWAYS, want to extend a hand. Let the other person know, I'm here. It can, at times, feel like a lonely club. But it is one, that I'm most proud to be in. To know, I've given so much of myself, to help another person. Just remember that, the next time, you see a caregiver. They're probably giving everything they have, to that person, they are taking care of. EVERY. SINGLE. THING! ❤❤❤

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