Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Volunteers Wanted

On this week's Wishful Wednesday, I'm looking for volunteers. Of all sorts. For our upcoming fundraiser. Actually, we're calling it a "Day of Celebration." Honestly, I can't think of a better way to put it.
Yes, we're fundraising. Yes, it will be a day, full of hard work. But we want it, to be a day of celebration. Of my Dad's life. Of his vision. Of our community. Of the New Mexico Cancer Community. And of the children of our community.

We could use all the help, we can get. From our entire community. In terms of spreading the word, about our upcoming fundraiser. In any way possible. Do you want to hand out flyers? Can you share on your social media? Do you know people, who would want to join us?

Maybe you have some skills, that we can use that day. Cooking, setting up, tearing down, selling our items, or helping me with the last minute details. Do you know a person, or business, that would like to sponsor us? Maybe they can donate an item for our raffle. Or food items. Maybe help us with some of the costs, associated with our fundraiser. 

This quote, reminds me of my Dad. He was all about giving back. It's one of the things, I admire the most, about my Dad. And one of the lessons, that I value most in life. In a ton of ways, I was more prepared this year. For our fundraiser, than I was last year. I had a T-shirt design, saved in December. Flyers made in January. I was out and about, getting things done. Then I got sick. And everything came to a screeching stop.

The thought has crossed my mind. A few times. Cancel the event. Postpone it. Reschedule. But that is not what my Dad taught me. He taught me, when things get tough, we get tougher. We somehow, pull together, and tackle this beast. And that's what I'm going to do.

We've got the permits. I talked with my friend Amber, about the T-shirts. I've been collecting donations. Flyers are being handed out. And I'm trying my best, to spread the word. One way or another, we'll get there. And hopefully, we'll have people that show up.

This event, is not about me. Or my struggles. It's about celebrating my Dad's life. Raising up the people, around us. Making a path, that will be easier, for the next family to travel. Life isn't about our accomplishments. As proud as we may be of them. It's about lifting others up. Giving a hand, when it's needed most. It's about helping others, to succeed.

That is what gets me through my days. It's the inspiration, that I lean on. We're 17 days, away from our event. I'm feeling overwhelmed. But I know, we can make it. Somehow, we'll make it. We have God on our side. A supportive community. And a purpose.

I keep thinking, about the kids in our community. Who will benefit from our scholarship fund. I'm doing this, for them. They deserve it. It's what my Dad taught me. The youth, is our future. And we have to believe in them. And invest in them.

I'm also staying tough, for the New Mexico Cancer Community. All the people we've met along the way. Because they deserve it. They fight, every single day, for their lives. Some struggle, more than others. We are all in a family. It's a group, that you never thought you'd be a part of. And now, you are a lifelong member. You want to carry the next family, through their tough time.

I think about all the families, who struggled. While we were in and out of the hospital. I can still see nurses and doctors, putting money together. To order pizza. For families. Who came from out of town. Their loved one dying. The kids, hanging out in the Family Room. Sleeping on the floor. I do it for them.

Please, if you'd like to volunteer, in any way...let me know. Contact me here on the blog, via e-mail (, or on Facebook. It's all about the people, we can help. And hold up, during the toughest time, of their lives. Let's make our 2nd Annual Memorial Love For Blue Fundraiser a success! ❤❤❤

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