Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Record Their Words

A long time ago, I saw this interview...about Hallmark Legacy books. And the recordable books. I was in my mid-twenties. And I wanted to keep my memories close. Of my loved ones. The ones that were still with us.

I went to Hallmark, and bought some of these books. They sat in my bedroom, on my dresser, for months. I kept thinking, I need to fill these out. I need to sit down, with my parents and grandparents, and fill them out.

After I had come to take care of my Dad, I'd travel back to my home. At least twice a month. On the weekends, to work. On one of these weekends, I picked up those 3 books, I'd bought. And put them in the trunk of my car. It would be, one of the best things, I'd do.

This is the "Father" book. I bought it. And it took me, nearly 10 years to fill it out. Not by sitting my Dad down, and asking him all the questions. But by looking through the book. Before talking to my Dad. And every single day, asking a question. Something that would allow me, to fill it out.

And this is the "Mother" book.  It still sits, empty. But I have an idea, of where to begin. And I know, that by the time I head home, it will be completed.

I also had bought one of these books. I ALWAYS wanted to buy 3. One for each of my grandparents, that I knew. Fortunately, I found a second, in a local Walgreens. And I scooped it up. It's been about 2 years ago, that I last seen them, in stores.

But what I've gotten out of these books, is life changing. It's something that allowed me to ask, the right questions. To dig a little deeper, into my loved ones thinking. And their lives. And what they want their legacy to be.

You see, I started out with my grandpa. Asking little questions. Asking for stories. Hoping to learn more. And after a few hours of talking, I'd go home, and record his thoughts. By the time of my grandpa's passing, I had a nice little journal, of his life. It wasn't complete. There were things I had to ask my grandma. And my Mom. But it was something.

When it came to my Dad, I started small. I would ask him a question, every single day. Wanting to learn more and more, about the man I call Dad. During the last year of his life, he was more open to conversation. The real stuff. He let me know, what he wanted his legacy to look like. What he wanted his grandchildren to know, about him. He told me things, he had never shared before.

It was very difficult to write my Dad's book. Maybe because we were so close. Maybe because I knew, it meant the end was nearing. Maybe it was just hard, because it was hard. But over the last year, I've managed to complete it. You know, take all the little notes, I'd written on pieces of paper...and put them in the book.

I'm so grateful to have these. I ALWAYS wanted to make one of Hallmark's recordable storybooks, with my Dad. But he wasn't that kind of guy. I know my Mom, will LOVE to do something like that. To me, these are little momentos, that one day, I can hand down...to my own children.

It's a piece of our family history, that wasn't lost. And I'm so grateful to Hallmark, for coming up with these. I'm sure, you can find something similar, out there. But whatever way you choose, record your loved ones words. In a book, through a recording, on a video. Because they are precious. And one day, they won't be at your side. One day, you'll be without them. And you'll want their words, to live on. ❤❤❤

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