Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hey There Monkey!

My Dad and I, had this hilarious connection to monkeys. When I was born, I was a pretty hairy baby. And my Dad called me, his little monkey. I remember my Dad, liking to buy me, stuffed monkeys. All the time! As I'd grow out of my dresses, he'd put them on my monkeys. :)

When I got older, I'd call my Dad, "Daddy Monkey." When this series of commercials came out, I told my Dad, it reminded me of him. I was away at college. And he laughed. Every single time I'd see the commercial, I'd laugh. And when I'd move back home, to take care of my Dad, and we saw these commercials...I'd tell him, that he was on TV!

When my Dad went to the hospital in December 2010, I'd buy him a stuffed monkey. From the hospital's Gift Shop. Every single time, after that, when we were in the hospital...I'd buy my Dad a stuffed monkey. We got a nice little collection. In just a short time. And my Dad LOVED them!

During the last few weeks of his life, my Dad was in bed a lot! He'd look out his bedroom window. And I'd attempt, to make my parents' bedroom, a little more fun, for my Daddy. I'd go out and buy some of these solar toys. And I'd put them in the window. For a few years, I've been buying them for my grandma. And she enjoys them so much! My Dad thought, they were pretty fun too!

For hours he'd watch them dance around. He'd tell me, to never forget to take him some, to his grave. And I still find myself, looking for new characters. Every store I go to, I look for them. If you would like to donate some, for our fundraiser, I'd gladly except them!

I'd also put up my Dad's Birthday cards, flowers, and his collection of monkeys. He'd tell me, that he really enjoyed those monkeys. That every single time, he saw a monkey, he smiled. And he thought of me. And our fun relationship. When I see monkeys, I think of my Daddy too!

There's just something about them. The silliness behind them, remind me, of how silly my Daddy could be too! I'm hoping to sell some monkey items, at our fundraiser, in April. And I'm looking for donations. Here are a couple of things, that I found. But we're open to anything, and everything!

I see these bracelets everywhere! In fact, my Dad is the one, that bought me my first one. We were at Walgreen's one day. Picking up his prescriptions. And he saw them. He threw a couple in our basket. Because I'm ALWAYS wearing bracelets! And he liked them. The expression on the monkey's face, makes me think of my Dad's silly smile.

I'd LOVE to sell these. But I don't know where you can buy them. I've contacted the company. And hope to hear from them soon. Because online, they start at $4 a bracelet! And I haven't been able to find these monkey bracelets, at the store anymore. I just find the other animals.

I think these little cups are cute. They are $13.48, per dozen. So cute! I LOVE their silly grins. Honestly, these cups, totally made my morning!

These girly monkey cups, are $15.50 a dozen. I think they are adorable! The little girl monkeys, make me want to have a birthday party. For myself. And I'm not really into that sort of thing. But these cups are so cute!

These cute and colorful monkeys, are $17.99 a dozen. And I think they'd be fun, to add to our sale. My Dad LOVED things like this! In fact, I bought him 3 hanging monkeys, in December 2014. When we were hospitalized over the holidays. For weeks, they hung in our hospital room!
These cuties, made me laugh, when I saw them. They are $9.73, for 100. And are about an inch tall. But seriously, they are cute! The one that is laying down, with it's hands behind it's ears, reminds me of my Daddy. That's the way he liked to lay in bed. In the hospital, at home, wherever!
So there you go. I'm looking for some sponsors. To add to the items, that we are going to sell. Monkeys, remind me of my Daddy. Just like school buses do. Model cars, from Danbury Mint. Driving caps, still bring tears to my eyes. Mini tools, were his favorite! Coin collections, make me smile. And double chocolate donuts, make my heart sing. :) Those were all favorites of my Daddy.
And we want the Love for Blue Fundraiser, to represent my Daddy. We want to have things, that remind us, of him. That bring a smile to our faces. And to the people that will be there. If you are interested, in sponsoring us, please leave me a comment here, send me an e-mail (, or contact me on Facebook.
This is our BIG fundraiser, for the year. And we want to raise, as much money, as possible. To be able, to continue supporting those people, touched by cancer. To help fund, research. And to continue, supporting our community. Our goal is, to grow our scholarship fund. To double it, for next year. Thank You, for continuing to read our blog! And have a very Happy Wednesday! ❤❤❤

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