I'm still enjoying our "Fun Mail Fridays." It truly is, the highlight of my week. And I wanted to just ask, for a little bit of help. I know, that we've been blessed, to touch so many lives already. But I want to continue this, in 2016.
When you head out to the store next time, consider buying a couple of extra cards. I've been getting all sorts of requests lately. And would enjoy, continuing to support the many people, battling cancer. I would gladly accept any cards, or even a little financial assistance here. Honestly, most of the cards I purchase are from, the Dollar Tree. So even a little gift card, would be appreciated!
And stamps, probably the thing I could use the very most. At this moment. Consider buying a couple of extra. I'd be happy to share my address with you. I would greatly appreciate all the help, in this department!
And of course, names. I continue to get names, from local people. Through the hospital, where my Dad was treated. From our church. And just other people in the community. I'd ask that you would continue to send your names to me.
A little bit more about that. If you can send me, your loved ones name, and address. And perhaps something they are interested in. I try to send a little something, in each card. Something to bring them a smile. And if they have children, let me know. I can add them, to another list. I try and send out a couple of things, to the littles. Maybe some stickers, a small box of candy, or a small toy. Please let me know.
And if your loved on, is celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion. I'd LOVE to know! I want their mail to have some meaning behind it. Not just some random card that shows up. But if that is what they need, I'm also ready for that too!
This truly, has been one of the things, I enjoy most about my week. Sitting down, to write some encouraging words, to someone battling cancer. I want to keep letting people know, they are not alone. And if nothing else, I'm here, praying for them. Please help me, to continue this. You can contact me here on the blog, via e-mail (LoveForBlue2015@aol.com), or on Facebook. Happy Wednesday! ❤❤❤
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