Hey guys! If you are here, you are probably friends or family...of my Dad's. Blue. Today is his 82nd Birthday! And we feel so blessed, to share another year with him!
So far, 2015...has been tough. We've definitely spent more time, in the hospital, than at home. But what can you say? We're fighting for the man we love. And nothing will stop us!
But why are you here? A while back, my Dad starting talking. About his good friend, Patrick. And the work that he and his family started. It really has gotten my Dad thinking, after spending a month, during the holidays, in the hospital. And all that we have been blessed with. He wants to start a foundation.
Our idea is, to model it around, "paying it forward." We want to give back to our community. And show the love, that we've been shown. We know that we are very fortunate, to be by my Dad's side. All the time. That he doesn't have to be alone. And as a family, we can fight this together.
But along our journey, we've met many families, that are not as fortunate. Families that struggle, just to visit their loved ones. Families that sleep on the floor, in the hospital waiting rooms. Just so they can visit on the weekend. We've met so many people, traveling a similar journey.
Our hospital staff, has been AMAZING! Thank You Presbyterian! From the oncology unit, to the staff at the chemo office, the staff at the radiation center, the staff at Rehab, and our Homecare Team. They are the best!
But like I said, we know, we are very fortunate. Not many people, have the same resources. We are blessed. And even some of the people that we see at radiation, chemo, or the hospital...they are traveling a much more difficult path.
So with all of that being said, our first goals are...to pay it forward. To help those people, that need assistance. The families traveling hundreds of miles, to get care. Or to visit. The people we see struggling, who need assistance, of some sort.
With all of that being said, we are kicking off our fundraising, with a 5K Fun Run/Walk on April 25, 2015. My Dad was first diagnosed with Colon Cancer on April 28, 2014. My Dad wants the fundraiser, to be a celebration. To say, "Hey, I've got colon cancer. But I'm fighting it. I want to live! And I want to give back. I want to make it easier, for the next family."
So we hope to see you then! Bright and early, at 7AM. Ready to run or walk around Valle del Bosque Park. We will be charging a $25 fee. And you will receive a "Love for Blue" t-shirt. You can sign up, on the morning of the 5K Run. And you can also purchase t-shirts, or make donations here. Thanks everyone! Let's make our 1st Annual Love for Blue Event a special one! ❤❤❤
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